What is Halal?
Halal is an Arabic word that means permissible which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Quran. It is a term that defines what is permissible to use or engage in. Halal is most commonly used in food products and meat products. But many don’t know that the term halal is also used in the operation of the business, human relationships and the act of right and wrong of someone’s action. For example, halal in a relationship means maintaining religious restrictions that limit physical contact in premarital relationships and involving the families from an early stage of your relationship. While halal in the operation of a business means being honest and ethical. So the concept of a halal can means differently to the context being mentioned
Halal meat is more complicated than you think. The opposite of halal is haram which means prohibited and haram meat consists not just pork and unacceptable slaughtered meat, but it also consists of animals like frogs, dogs and etc. Hence, we come up with BADSIC, an acronym for a list of animal/consumable that is not halal.
The B stand for blood. It is haram for a Muslim to consume blood of any animals as it consider impure.
The A stand for amphibians. Amphibians’ meats are haram because they are able to live in 2 environments, water and land. Some example of amphibians that is haram to eat are frogs, crocodile, certain types of crabs and etc.
Dead Meats
The D stand for dead meats. Dead meats is consider haram for a Muslim to consume because the meat itself is not longer has any nutritious and consider impure.
The S stand for swine. Swine is another term of pork, the infamous meat that a Muslim will avoid due to the impurities of a swine.
The I stand for intoxicants. It usually means beers, wine, non-medical drugs that leave somone intoxicant.
The C stand for carnivore. Carnivore is consider haram to consume, this include lion, eagle. dogs, cats and etc.
Halal in Cleaning and Hygiene Products
The opposite of halal is haram and haram can be in form of haram meat like pork, activities like a tattoo, gambling and ingredient like alcohol. While alcohol is present in a lot of cleaning and hygiene products like cleaning detergent, dishwasher detergent, wet wipes, and sanitiser are not considered haram to use when used properly. The fine line is this, it considers not haram when the haram medium (in this case, it is the cleaning detergent that contains alcohol) is washed or rinsed with water after it is applied. This thus removes the alcohol impurities from the surface and in turn, it retains the pureness of the surface. So even though products like dishwasher detergent contain alcohol is still considered halal to use as long the plates are rinsed with water after it is clean with the detergent. However, products that contain alcohol like sanitiser or wet wipes are excluded from this exception because people don’t usually rinse with water after applying when using these products. So for Muslims to use these products, it is haram for them to use them, especially before when praying.
Alternative to Halal Cleaning and Hygiene Products

In Orapi, we innovate and continuously improve our cleaning and hygiene products to suit the different types of customers, this includes our Muslim customers as well. Therefore, we also manufacture halal-certified cleaning chemicals and hygiene products. Some of our halal cleaning and hygiene chemical can be seen below:
ALKAKLEEN is an alkaline detergent cleaner, formulated for effective decarbonising, derusting and degreasing operations. ALKAKLEEN quickly penetrates to remove burnt oils, fats, greases, carbonised deposits and rust from surfaces.
MAGNUS® L-67 is a high quality lubricating oil, formulated for metal forming operations of small to medium thickness metals which might be subjected to incidental food contact.
RINCON is a foaming sanitizing detergent, formulated for effective cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in food areas. RINCON is formulated with a blend of detergents, sequestrants and quaternary ammonium compounds specially selected to be effective against a wide range of microorganisms for maximum hygiene.
Click below to find out more our halal products.
What Did It Mean to Be Halal?
Most of our halal cleaning and hygiene products are certified halal by MUIS, an Islamic Religious Council of Singapore that oversees the varied interests of Singapore’s Muslim community and the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia. These products undergo a high level of scrutinisation in the certification process of developing a halal version of the product by replacing alcohol with other ingredients without comprising the effectiveness of the product. Our research and development team from time to time again has proven that develop products to fit our customer’s needs. By being halal certification also means the product has to maintain its honesty and ethicalness for our customers.
Below are the certification of our halal products: