Odor Neutralizer: The Science Behind Odor Care

odor neutralizer singapore orapi

When it comes to cleanliness, the nose is a better judge than the eyes. Why? Because the nose can detect hidden odors that the eyes cannot see. In fact, in an unclean room, people’s #1 complaint in most cases is about the smell, even if the room is seemingly “clean” or well-organized. To tackle such problems, you must first know how to use an odor neutralizer and the science behind odor care. Keep scrolling to read more about masking, securing, and deodorizing, as well as get a concise list of products recommended by ORAPI—Singapore’s leading provider of hygiene chemicals and solutions. 

Creating a Fresh Experience

Lingering odors are quite unpleasant and may ward-off customers. However, ORAPI’s odor neutralizes are specifically formulated to eliminate persistent everyday odors as well as the odors that are temporary but tough to get rid of. The results? A room that looks not only clean but also smells clean. 

Our success story involves three odor control measures to target and eliminates the worst of the worst odors: 

3 Types of Odor Neutralizer

3 Types of Odor Eliminator

1. Masking Odor Neutralizer

As is known, like solids and liquids, the air is also matter. It has weight, it takes up space, and it is composed of particles too small and too spread apart for the naked eye to see. But when rooms aren't cleaned frequently, bacteria and germs are allowed to grow, and eventually, air and water particles in the air (humidity) start oxidizing with wood, metal, food, and other organic substances present in the room. The atoms of the resulting foul odor then diffuse into every nook and cranny of the room, which creates a lasting unpleasant smell. Masking is a technique that combines fragrance with the odor to create an atmosphere that looks great and smells great! However, the process of masking doesn't just get rid of the smell but also eliminates any lingering traces of germs and bacteria present in the air

As is known, like solids and liquids, the air is also matter. It has weight, it takes up space, and it is composed of particles too small and too spread apart for the naked eye to see. But when rooms aren’t cleaned frequently, bacteria and germs are allowed to grow, and eventually, air and water particles in the air (humidity) start oxidizing with wood, metal, food, and other organic substances present in the room. The atoms of the resulting foul odor then diffuse into every nook and cranny of the room, which creates a lasting unpleasant smell. 

An odor neutralizer utilizing the Masking method combines fragrance with the odor to create an atmosphere that looks great and smells great! However, the process of masking doesn’t just get rid of the smell but also eliminates any lingering traces of germs and bacteria present in the air. Most air fresheners that you find in most supermarkets belong to masking odor neutralizer.

2. Securing Odor Neutralizer

Unlike masking, in securing, the fragrance molecule entirely envelops the odor molecule, creating a new molecule free of any repulsive smell. All germs and bacteria are trapped and subsequently destroyed within this stench-free molecule. 

Depending on your choice, securing odor neutralizer can either create a room imbued with a detectable fragrance or one that is whole unscented. 

3. Deodorizing Odor Neutralizer

air molecule odor neutralizer

Common culprits exacerbating the issue of odors include lack of ventilation, mold, mildew, dust, stains, and spills. Smells emanating from such sources can be particularly hard to remove, which is why it is so important to completely break down the source of odor using enzymatic action, in which the fragrance molecule completely covers the foul-smelling molecule, then it attracts the molecule underneath it to its active site and proceeds to destroy (or catalyze) the chemical reaction. Finally, the fragrance molecule allows the unwanted products to dissociate from it.

A deodorizing odor neutralizer is reliable for removing even the toughest of reeks, as it fully demolishes every last unwanted smell, so regardless of the amount, the fragrance will deodorize the room thoroughly and effectively.

Product Recommendations: Download One-Sheet

So now that you know the science behind our products, you can determine the right solution that will cater to your specific needs. It is important to know that not all odors are the same. Whether your target is to tackle daily odors or remove stubborn smells, our One-Sheet Comparison Guide can help you understand how each product works on different types of odors. 

Click the button below to download the One-Sheet guide and get all the latest deodorizing product recommendations and information today!


Odor performs an inherent role in the perception of cleanliness, and to make a perfect impression on customers, foul smells must be tackled with deliberate action. So, do away with the harsh smells with ORAPI’s—the leading supplier of hygiene solutions—deodorizing products that can outperform the competition.

Full list of curated cleaning products.
Housekeeping Hospitality Cleaning Guide
Housekeeping Hospitality Cleaning Guide

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