Vapor Degreasing: A Comprehensive Guide

vapor degreasing solvents

What Exactly Is Vapor Degreasing

Vapor degreasing represents a cleaning method wherein solvents vaporize and condense onto the targeted object, eliminating the need for water or manual scrubbing. Through this technique, contaminants are effectively removed from parts using solvent vapors. Widely employed in manufacturing, it efficiently cleanses materials like plastic, glass, metal, gold, and ceramic.

How Does Vapor Degreasing Work

what is vapor degreasing
In the vapor degreasing process, components are placed in a metal basket positioned just above the boiling solvent within the machine but below the cooling coils. As the solvent reaches its boiling point, vapors rise but are confined within the machine by the cooling coils, creating a refrigeration layer.
These vapors then condense on the part surfaces, effectively dissolving contaminants. As the solvent drips off the objects, it carries away the impurities. Notably, this process is self-contained, with the solvent continually recycled. Vapors ascend into the cold trap, condensing into liquid and returning to the rinse sump. From there, the liquid overflows into the boil sump, separating soils from the vapor and preventing cross-contamination of both parts and rinse sump.
A relatable analogy is found in everyday experiences, particularly for those who wear glasses. It mirrors the phenomenon when transitioning from a hot environment to a cooler one, causing humid air to condense on cold surfaces like glasses, resulting in fogging. Similarly, as one returns to a drier environment, the fog dissipates. This process, known as the “reflux method,” involves warm vapors condensing into liquid upon cooling, evident across various scenarios.

In Which Industries Are Vapor Degreasers Used

vapor degreasing automotive industry
Vapor degreasing finds its niche in a wide array of industries where meticulous cleaning of manufactured parts is essential. Its presence is ubiquitous in sectors such as automotive, aviation, aerospace, medical device manufacturing, jewellery production, and electronic assembly.
Vapor degreasing has spawned several methodologies, including vapor-only cleaning, vapor-spray-vapor, liquid-vapor, boiling liquid-warm liquid-vapor, spray-under-immersion, and vacuum degreasing. Notably, ultrasonic cleaning can complement nearly all of these methods, further enhancing their efficacy.

What Are the Advantages of Vapor Degreasing

What are the different types of vapor degreasers

Vapor degreasing offers many distinct advantages, including unparalleled cleaning efficacy, consistent results, and independence from operator skill or manual cleaning techniques. By utilizing vaporized solvents, it effectively circumvents issues of cross-contamination inherent in methods reliant on solvent or cleaning solution reuse.

Moreover, using solvents facilitates rapid drying of objects sans the need for secondary drying processes. While the solvents employed in vapor degreasing may carry a higher initial cost than alternative cleaning agents, their continuous recycling within the closed-loop system often renders vapor degreasing a cost-effective cleaning solution over time.

Furthermore, unlike batch or inline systems associated with aqueous cleaners, vapor degreasing eliminates the need for heating water, rinsing, drying parts, or post-cleaning wastewater treatment, streamlining the cleaning process and reducing associated resource consumption.

Vapor Degreaser Solvents Considerations

How do you clean a vapor degreaser
When selecting a vapor degreaser solvent, particularly in non-co-solvent or binary solvent systems, it’s crucial to prioritize formulations that closely resemble an azeotrope. In the context of cleaning, an azeotrope refers to a mixture of liquids where the chemical compositions remain consistent in both the vapor and liquid phases, maintaining stability throughout the degreasing process.
In contrast, near-azeotropes may experience fractionation, wherein the two ingredients slightly separate during boiling. Although stable once equilibrium is achieved, the composition of the vapor and liquid phases may differ slightly, potentially affecting cleaning performance.
Comparatively, near-azeotrope systems may offer slightly superior performance in one phase over the other. This could be advantageous when constraints prevent immersion-based cleaning due to component sensitivity.
Over time, however, near-azeotrope solvents may experience losses through vapor escape or drag-out, leading to shifts in relative concentrations. Depending on the solvent blend’s composition and operational conditions, this could result in unsafe operating conditions or diminished cleaning efficacy. For instance, alterations in component ratios might compromise the mixture’s flammability suppression capabilities, increasing the risk of vapor ignition.
Selecting and qualifying a vapor degreaser solvent is a multifaceted process involving considerations such as its efficacy in soil removal, compatibility with sensitive parts, adherence to environmental regulations, and minimal toxicity levels. Many companies are actively transitioning away from highly toxic solvents like n-propyl bromide (nPB) and trichloroethylene (TCE) due to associated health risks, including cancer.

Best Applications for Vapor Degreaser

Does degreaser leave residue

When investing in a new or additional vapor degreaser machine, careful consideration of its location is paramount to ensure optimal functionality. Several key factors must be taken into account:

Space Requirements and Clearance

Obtain precise measurements from the manufacturer to ensure that the designated area meets the footprint and accessibility needs of the equipment. Adequate space is necessary for tasks such as solvent loading/unloading, refrigeration repair, and access to control panels and power supplies.

Ceiling Height

Consider the unit’s height, particularly if processing long vertical parts. Ceiling height constraints may necessitate alternative installation methods, such as placing the unit in pits, to mitigate space limitations.

Safety Concerns

To minimise fire hazards, avoid installing the vapor degreaser near open flames, ovens, or areas where arc welding occurs.


Depending on the size of the unit, elevation considerations may arise, impacting safety requirements. Larger models may require stairs and rails for safe access.

Process Flow

Ideally, position the unit close to the process area to maintain flow integrity. However, facility layout constraints may limit this option.


Prevent cross drafts to minimize vapor removal and product loss. Constructing walls around the unit or placing them in a separate room may be necessary to avoid drafts from air conditioning, doors, windows, fans, or extraction vents.


Ensure proper floor draft to create a laminar flow for vapor removal, as vapors are heavier than air. Avoid drafts in the immediate vicinity of the system to prevent solvent loss.

Humidity Control

Control humidity levels to prevent water vapor absorption, which can lead to hydrolysis in halogenated solvent formulas. Consider enclosing the unit in a humidity-controlled room if necessary.

Pit Concerns

If the unit is located in a pit, ensure proper ventilation and adhere to safety guidelines for air volume and ventilation duration before entering the pit area.

Emergency Preparedness

Plan for emergency scenarios by ensuring clear egress/ingress routes and strategically placing safety equipment such as eye wash stations, safety showers, and fire extinguishers in the vicinity.

Conclusion: Vapor Degreasing

In conclusion, vapor degreasing is a pivotal cleaning method across various industries, offering unparalleled efficiency, consistency, and environmental advantages. Harnessing solvent vapors eliminates the need for water, manual labour, and secondary drying processes, presenting a cost-effective and sustainable solution. Careful consideration of solvent selection, equipment location, and safety measures is imperative to maximise its benefits while ensuring operational integrity and regulatory compliance. As industries continue to prioritise efficiency and environmental responsibility, vapor degreasing is a cornerstone in precision cleaning methodologies.

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