Orapi Asia
understanding the ingredients of a general purpose cleaner

Understanding the Ingredients: What Makes a General Purpose Cleaner Effective?

A general purpose cleaner is used to clean multiple surfaces in household, industrial or institutional applications. Different kinds of chemical cleaners are formulated for the cleaning of dirt, grime, and germs from windows, floors, countertops and appliances. General-purpose cleaners are versatile solutions designed to clean multiple surfaces and address various cleaning challenges. But what exactly makes these cleaners so effective? In this article, we’ll explore the ingredients that power general-purpose cleaners and examine how they work to keep our environment

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spot cleaning 101 how to spot clean different surfaces

Spot Cleaning 101: How to Spot Clean Different Surfaces

Spot cleaning is the targeted treatment of specific stains or soiled areas on an item, bypassing the need for a complete wash cycle. Depending on the stain’s severity, this process may require minimal or more comprehensive treatment using cleaning products. It proves especially beneficial in situations where a complete wash isn’t practical or needed. The advantage of spot cleaning lies in its ability to swiftly tackle stains or soiled areas on clothing, upholstery, or other items without necessitating the cleaning

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what are enzyme cleaners and when to use them

What Are Enzyme Cleaners and When to Use Them

What Are Enzyme Cleaners Enzyme cleaners harness the power of biological enzymes, which are specialised molecules accelerating chemical reactions, to swiftly and efficiently degrade various types of dirt and grime. These cleaners contain beneficial bacteria that rapidly multiply and initiate the production of these enzymes upon application to a surface. As these bacteria flourish, they contribute to the breakdown of organic matter, such as food particles, grease, and other waste, into smaller components, making them easier to clean or remove

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What Is the Difference Between Sanitising and Disinfecting The Science Behind Disinfection

What Is the Difference Between Sanitising and Disinfecting: The Science Behind Disinfection

In the previous article, we posed the question, ”What is the difference between sanitising and disinfecting?” and informed our audience that to learn the distinctions between the two processes, they must learn to clearly define each. Starting with cleaning—a foundational step integral to sanitation and disinfection—this step is relatively straightforward to understand. This is followed by sanitising, which involves the use of chemicals to eliminate bacteria. Lastly, disinfecting is aimed at removing both bacteria and viruses. While our previous article

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What Is the Difference Between Sanitising and Disinfecting The Science Behind Sanitising

What Is the Difference Between Sanitising and Disinfecting: The Science Behind Sanitising

In the battle against germs and contaminants, our first line of defence is often the simplest: cleaning. But when it comes to ensuring the safety and cleanliness of our environments, the terms “cleaning,” “sanitising,” and “disinfecting” are frequently used interchangeably, causing confusion about their true purposes and effectiveness. So, to answer the question ‘What is the difference between sanitising and disinfecting?’, you must first understand the distinctions among these processes: cleaning, the initial step in the hygiene hierarchy, rids surfaces

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endocrine disruptors in cleaning chemicals

Endocrine Disruptors in Cleaning Products

Cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals, including endocrine disruptors, which can adversely affect your health. When you clean your spaces, it’s not only about aesthetics but also about maintaining hygiene and safeguarding your well-being. It would be unfortunate if the products you rely on for cleanliness end up compromising your health. This article will provide guidance on how to address this concern. Also read: Hidden Hazards: Allergens in Cleaning ProductsWays to Improve Indoor Air Quality With Cleaning and HygieneThe Science

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allergens in cleaning products

Hidden Hazards: Allergens in Cleaning Products

Asthma guidelines recommend consistent cleaning, but many products contain irritants and allergens, worsening symptoms, including in sensitive individuals. These chemicals can also lead to health issues like cancer and infertility. The WHO states that asthma affects 235 million people globally, primarily children. Additionally, a 2007 study involving 10 countries and 3,500 participants found a 30-50% higher asthma risk in those who used home spray cleaners weekly. In this article, we explore the various allergens found in cleaning products, their associated health consequences,

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ways to improve indoor air quality with cleaning and hygiene

Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality With Cleaning and Hygiene

In the wake of evolving guidelines from esteemed organisations like the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and government agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO), a fundamental question emerges: How does cleaning impact indoor air quality (IAQ) and how can we improve indoor air quality? Surprisingly, the answer to this question might not be as apparent as one would assume. As we find ourselves on the

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